Wednesday, March 27, 2013

model 36 project

i recently received a model 36 that  i was told was given by my grandfather to my grandmother's sister.  an identical one was given to my grandmother, who gave it to my mother.  so, at some point, my grandfather bought them and now my mother has one and i have the other.

problem is, the one i got was in bad shape when i got it.  it looked like it had gotten wet.  the finished was damaged and the inner workings have begun to rust. so, i decided to try to reblue it myself.  if that doesnt work, i will take it to bridsong & assoc. for a two-tone desert sand and black teflon finish. 

at any rate, i have been able to remove all the upper mechanisms rather easily. however, i am unsure how to remove the block behind the trigger lever.  can anyone recommend the best way to do this.  i need to remove the block and the triger to mitigate the rusting behind them.

all suggestions are welcome.